Sunday, September 30, 2012

Response From 2GB Advertiser

I have received one response from Harris Partners who were on the list of advertisers with 2GB.  It is pasted here immediately below.

On 30/09/2012, at 17:40, Harris Partners Info <> wrote:

In order to set the record straight, we do not advertise with Alan Jones. I am perplexed as to how or why Harris Partners Real Estate were added to the petition that is now doing the rounds.

Both my wife and I felt Alan Jones' "shame" comments in relation to Prime Minister Julia Gilliard's father John Gilliard passing away, were disgraceful and offensive.

Harris Partners does pay to advertise on Ross Greenwood's 2GB Money News programme from time to time. It is non-political and in line with our target audience.

Any Harris Partners ads that may have run during Alan Jones' programme were unpaid advertisements. Other than the complaint emails I received from telling me that we advertise on Alan Jones' programme, I was totally unaware that we were ever featured on Jones' show.

If you get the chance to forward this email to the person that associated us with Alan Jones and added us to the petition mail-out, I would be grateful.

Best wishes

Peter O'Malley

Harris Partners Real Estate
404 Darling Street
Balmain NSW 2041

Ph:  (02) 9818 2133
Fax: (02) 9810 6432

Here is my response back to that email:-

On 30/09/2012, at 9:30 PM, "Henry Woo"  wrote:
Thanks for your reply Peter. I am sorry to hear that you are having to respond to so many emails - nevertheless, it is decent and honorable that you do so. I have no idea who complied the list but I imagine that you are on there because of your current association with the 2GB station. Unfortunately, people see 2GB as being complicit to Alan Jones behavior and everybody associated with the station gets caught up in the mess. Your withdrawal of advertising from 2GB would send a strong message of where you stand on the matter and that as an advertiser you are sensitive to public opinion which affect your business. I will however do my bit to propagate your repulsion of his behavior by putting your response below on my blog although actions speak louder than words by your company reconsidering doing any business with 2GB until appropriate action is taken to rein the shock jock in. 
Best regards
Sent from my iPhone. Apologies for typos and autocorrect functions choosing wrong words. 

Here is the response back from my 2nd email:

From: Harris Partners Info <>
Date: Sunday, 30 September 2012 9:35 PM
To: Henry Woo
Subject: Re: Alan Jones 2GB

Thanks Henry.

We have had thousands of emails today.

Unbelievable day, the end is in sight :)



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